Sunday, October 5, 2008

Small thoughts.. Big Projects..

I have so many wonderful thoughts in my head. A poem. A shortstory. A thank you. I just don't have the time to organize them right now. Much of this writing comes to me as I run. With 64 tough, purposeful miles under my feet this week, I'm loaded. Itching to write. Desparate to express. But it must wait. I read an email from my brother and realized I needed to write up a grant application, spruce up his bio, and write a cover letter (in his voice) OVERNIGHT.

So I'm off to my contemplation room, where I'll put his passion and thoughts onto paper. I hope this will get him a residency with an orchestra. But mostly I hope it will bring his beautiful and intricate music to children and adults everywhere.

Still here are some pics from another, fun insightful week in the world of Mud, we know as Sophie's World.

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